
Exclusive Contingency Search
JJA offers a hybrid service for recruitment on an exclusive basis. These typically fulfill roles for critical hires at the director, manager or lead individual contributor level. Since we take on the risk of filling the assignment, we will own it exclusively for a pre-agreed upon period (usually 30 days) and we become the sole source of that hire. So long as you agree that our performance and results are there, the period of exclusivity will extend on a rolling 30-day cycle.
Fee Structure:
25% of employee’s first year guaranteed total compensation
6 month replacement guarantee
Contingency Recruitment
Additionally, we can leverage the research, packaging, and knowledge we have gained by working on retained and exclusive assignments with a client to take on the individual contributor roles and work on them on a success-based fee.
Fee Structure:
20% of employee’s first year guaranteed total compensation
90 day replacement guarantee